A Week In Finland

A Week in Finland, or AWIF for short, is a week of events leading up to Solmukohta 2024, from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th of April.

Main venue for hanging out:
Mustanlahdenkatu 22
33210 Tampere

The event is organized in collaboration with Tracon ry

The programme

The programme can be found here

Some programme items have a sign-up , others may include walking outside or paying an admission fee. See all the info on the programme description. Changes may happen, we will keep you informed!

A Week in Finland will feature a variety of Solmukohta-related events, including the Edularp Conference, Nordic Larp Talks, hanging out with fellow Solmukohta-goers and local larpers, as well as our recommendations for getting the most out of a spring week in Finland. You don’t need to have a ticket to Solmukohta to be able to attend the week in, everyone is welcome!


The main location for meetings and events will be Artteli-kumppanuusyhdistys located in the city center at Mustanlahdenkatu 22, Tampere. A Week in Finland is organized together with Tracon ry. Artteli is a no-alcohol space, so do not bring alcoholic beverages there and please don’t arrive at Artteli intoxicated. We have a restaurant and bar guide to follow for that kind of activity.

We will have two spaces at Artteli. The first one is on the ground floor, located next to the main doors. There is a ramp outside the main doors. The second space is on the first floor. There are stairs and a stair lift going to the first floor, otherwise there is no elevator at Artteli. Toilets are gender neutral and located on every floor, most of the toilets are on the basement floor. The accessible toilet is on the first floor.

Some programme items happen also outside of Artteli, see the location on the programme map and description.

Mustanlahdenkatu 22
33210 Tampere
Website: www.artteli.fi